Empowering youth to live out their faith and God-given purpose.


Youth Bible Study & Hangout

Every Wednesday From 7:15PM – 8:30 PM
220 Sycamore Ave, Shrewsbury, NJ 07702


Speed the Light Rally - March 23 @ 5-7:30PM

Speed the Light rally is an evening that emphasize the need for all students: who follow Jesus to cultivate Christ’s heart for lost people and take part in financially supporting missionaries to reach lost people abroad.

Life Chapel – Point Pleasant, NJ
3118 Bridge Ave, Point Pleasant Beach, NJ 08742

Fine Arts Festival - April 12th @ 8AM-4:30PM

Fine Arts is an event where students have the opportunity to explore and exercise the gifts and talents that God has given them.  Every human being had been made by God and FOR God.  That means that we all have been made with unique gifts and abilities that have a place in God’s kingdom to be used FOR God.  Fine Arts gives students the opportunity to discover the ways God has gifted them or to be sharpened in the gifts they are already aware of. Watch Promo here

When register ‘Join a Group’, select ‘SFA Youth’ and passcode ‘finearts’.