John’s gospel was the final of the four gospels to be written. His gospel includes events and teachings from Jesus that are not found in the other gospel, giving to us a sharper image of Jesus than we would have otherwise had.

As we enter into what this season leading up to Resurrection Sunday, it’s important for us to make sure our hearts are centered on Jesus. Thus, over the next 31 days we’re going to spend time each day in John’s Gospel. There we will be reminded of who Jesus is, what he came to do in our lives and in our world, and what it means to serve the One who has both died for us and rose again from the grave for us.

Please join us on this journey. Take time to consider the questions and response given at the beginning of each week. And, look for a Friday video from Pastor Harris that will highlight a portion of that week’s reading. 

Let’s begin reading, praying, and worshipping as we center our lives and our hearts on Jesus!

Week 1 - As you read John 1-5:

  1. Ask, what do these first few chapters of John’s gospel teach us about the person of Jesus? (Maybe write down all that you learn on a sheet of paper.)
  2. Take time to worship Jesus based on what you learn from these chapters. Let your heart be drawn to him.
  • March 1: John 1:1-18
  • March 2: John 1:19-51
  • March 3: John 2
  • March 4: John 3:1-21
  • March 5: John 3:22-36
  • March 6: John 4
  • March 7: John 5

Video Available on Friday, March 1 at 6 AM

Week 2 - As you read these chapters:

  • March 8: John 6:1-21
  • March 9: John 6:22-71
  • March 10: John 7:1-39
  • March 11: John 7:40 – 8:11
  • March 12: John 8:12-59
  • March 13: John 9
  • March 14: John 10:1-21
  1. Look for the metaphors (word pictures) Jesus uses to describe himself and his work? What does each one say to us about Jesus?
  2. Thank him for the way each of these have been true in your life.

Video Available on Friday, March 8 at 6 AM

Week 3 - As you continue to read John's Gospel:

  • March 15: John 10:22-42
  • March 16: John 1
  • March 17: John 12:1-19
  • March 18: John 12:20-50
  • March 19: John 13:1-20
  • March 20: John 13:21-38
  • March 21: John 14:1-14
  1. Take note of the conflicts that began to rise to the surface for Jesus. From whom was he experiencing opposition? What caused Jesus to persevere through it all?
  2.  After reading about Jesus washing his disciples’ feet, ask yourself what that means for your life? What can you do this week to “wash” someone else’s feet?
    for the metaphors (word pictures) Jesus uses to describe himself and his work? What does each one say to us about Jesus?.

Video Available on Friday, March 15 at 6 AM

Week 4 - As you read Jesus final discourse with his disciples before his death (chapters 14-17):

  • March 22: John 14:15-3
  • March 23: John 15:1-25
  • March 24: John 15:26-16:1
  • March 25: John 16:16-33
  • March 26: John 17
  • March 27: John 18:1-27
  • March 28: John 18:28-40
  1.  What was Jesus trying to get across to his disciples? What was his main point?
  2. How ought your prayers align with Jesus’ prayer found in chapter 17? How might you pray as he did? Begin to do so

Video Available on Friday, March 22 at 6 AM

Final Weekend - As you read these final chapters of John's gospel:

  • March 29: John 19
  • March 30: John 20
  • March 31: John 21
  1. Take time to consider the suffering of Jesus and that he did it all for you.
  2.  Consider how Jesus’ words to Peter (chapter 21) might apply to you.
  3.  Thank him for his death and worship him as the risen Christ!

Video Available on Friday, March 29 at 6 AM